Mindfulness During Exercise

There are many ways to practice mindfulness everyday one of which is exercise. But with so many kinds of exercise there is – which one do you think will best work for you?

Benefits of Being Mindful During Exercise

Rear view of a woman relaxing sitting on a couch with the hands on the head and looking outdoors through the window of the livingroom at home; Shutterstock ID 417115363; PO: today.com

You’ll have a stronger mind and body connection. As you focus on your exercise, your muscle works with your mind. Workouts or exercises brings a better outcome when you are being conscious of the workout that you are doing. Being mindful during an exercise gets more out of each exercise and workout making your body and mind stronger.

You’ll have better workout or exercise outcomes. Whenever you focus on a task given to you, you tend to have much better output, right? It is the same with working out or exercising. As you focus more on each muscles and the quality of movement, you get the most out of each movement bringing you a great quality exercise.

You’ll be even more satisfied with your mind and body. We workout and exercise because we want to be healthy and fit. Adding mindfulness to your daily exercise is just an add-on. A good workout and exercise satisfies not only your body muscles but your mind as well.

How To Be More Mindful During Exercise

1. Know your purpose for your Workout

Most people workout or exercise mainly because they want to shed some weight. But let’s be real, no one will immediately burn a lot of calories from just working out once. If you have a goal or purpose on working out, you’ll have something to look forward to or expect at the end of the sessions. Achieving these goals will definitely make you feel better and confident about yourself. Here are some examples of your workout purpose:

  • To finish a cycle of workout
  • To strengthen some body muscles which you think needs improvement
  • To challenge yourself and achieve greater goals
  • To work out on a certain period of time and to burn a specific number of calories
  • To focus on a specific area of fitness such as endurance, cardio and others.

2. Keep in mind the reason why you are started the Workout

There is no rush in achieving your dream weight or body. Everything takes time and you must take your time exercising by keeping yourself focused on your goals. Always remember why started the plans and stick to it until you have reached a milestone. Pat yourself on the back after a good workout session. Don’t forget to reflect why you exercise and how the workouts and exercises will help you. Here are some examples:

  • Workouts in the morning will help me get through the day with a much better energy
  • It really feels fulfilling finishing a workout session
  • I’ll have a better sleep if I exercise during the day
  • My body deserves better and so I will keep exercising
  • Workouts and exercises relieves my stress

3. Take your Time, No Rush

Remember that workouts work better when you are focused on what you are doing and the muscles that you are targeting. Take each step, exercise and movement with such caution and focus. Focus on your form, posture and holding your core muscles. Enjoy the feeling of your muscles contraction and just enjoy the sweats and pain that comes out from it.

4. Breathe

Breathing is not only essential in mindfulness but also when working out. As you work out, you need more air to fill in your lungs to be able to do the next movements. If you are on a few minutes quick rest in between workouts, you may try mindful breathing by closing your eyes and feel each breath. You’ll see how good it can clear your mind and brings your focus back on whatever you are doing.