What Does Grounding Mean In Meditation?

In midst of a pandemic, a peace of mind is hard to have. You need not worry because there are ways on how to get that by means of meditating. Here’s one way of how to relax and calm yourself:

What is Grounding?

Grounding is also called “Earthing” as it is a form of meditation that involves doing activities that reconnect you with the earth. It is basically based on physics where the energy or electrical charges from the earth can positively affect your body. Grounding is a practice that helps you from break apart from the negativities caused by your memories, flashbacks and unwanted emotions.

Benefits of Grounding

woman walking on a grassfield enjoying the breeze

  • Pain Reduction

Recent studies show that earthing or grounding meditation can help in pain reduction and mood improvement. A group of massage therapist alternated use of grounding and seen significant changes in their pain scale. Another study shows decreased level of white blood cell counts and creatinine kinases which demonstrated reduced muscle damage and pain.

  • Immune System Defense

A research suggested that the earth is a living matrix which is held together by electrical conduction. This electricity is said to improve or restore the natural defenses of a person by grounding.

  • Better Sleep

A study about patients who are having sleep disturbances, muscle and joint pain were subjected to grounding outside their bedroom window. Most of the patients who practiced grounding shows symptomatic improvement and significant relief from their co-morbidities. There was also remarkable improvement in their sleep quality.

  • Less Stress

Grounding is a way to help stabilize strong emotions especially when a person is stressed or having anxiety attacks. Practicing it helps redirect one’s attention away from the stressor and focus on reconnecting with the environment that gives you so much energy.

  • Protection

Earthing helps to protect the body against potentially health disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields. Exposure to EMFs have increased with the revolution of technology such as our cellphones and appliances that we used on our everyday life.

Types of Grounding or Earthing

woman floating on water relaxing

Earth Walker

Be it on the beach or on a grass field, we often feel the urge of running or walking barefoot and feeling the breeze of the air on our skin. Allowing these elements to come in contact with you helps connect you with the environment.

Lying on the Ground

I bet the last time you laid on the ground and just watch the sky is during your childhood. When you enjoy little picnics in the park or at the beach with your family. You may have your own family now or not, but you may consider doing this. Just bring your own mat or linen and practice your yoga or just enjoy the view with your family

Sea Babe

If you are a fan of the beach, river, wave or any kind of water form this one is definitely for you. Swimming is not only a sport, but it is also a form of grounding that helps you relax. Water has a way of comforting one’s soul. Feel the cool and soft water as it brushes through your skin.


